Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dissenting the view of Edidiàn on Politics and development

Edidi is a blessed town that has produced Erudite personalities, virtually far much to to mention. My article will be focus on politics and development in Edidi. Politics as far as i know involves activities in getting and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country or a society while DEVELOPMENT is The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advance and stronger.
Politics when well practice will bring development but when is other way round development becomes retrogressive. The highest political holder Edidi ever produce is Commissioner , I stand be corrected if am wrong. If my claimed proved to be right, Edidian, why are some group of people saying they dont want commissioner, that is naive. This is nothing but misplaced of priority, you dont have to lose what you have to get what you want. Fine, the group claimed they want LGA chairman, that is really great but i felt they are misplacing their priority because having both positions in Edidi will move Edidi forward, it had been done in many other communities in our LGA.
secondly the position of commissioner is so powerful that it can influence the electioneering of incoming would-be chairman because she is the face of the governor in the LGA. If chasing shadow is their dream, then the group should continue to push their dead dream, but if actually they have interest of Edidi at heart then they should change their tactics.
Edidi is bigger than all of us and posterity will judge all of us, as today's event prepares for tomorrow history. Copied from www. Alukoro.blogsopt. co

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